Bgi File In Dev C%2b%2b

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Bgi File In Dev C 2b 2b 2c

Supports most of the Borland Graphics Interface (bgi) 'graphics.h' functions, but at a higher resolution (upto 2000x1600) and color depth (upto 32 bit) graphics.h for MS VS graphics.h library for Microsoft Visual Studio for studying; It's graphic library, which uses simple functions as graphics.h for DOS. Go and install the Dev c with following full steps. Now you make sure that the version you install having Mingw or not go to the destination folder where you installed the dev C and search Mingw folder if found then Ok Now run the Dev C and Enter your Hello World code click on compile and then click on Run. I'm using CodeBlocks (C) on Win10. I tried to create a simple graphic program - I downloaded a certain graphics package (graphics.h and other two files related to BGI - I added the lib in settings etc.). I tried this program but there seems to be a problem at the line marked. Initgraph(&gdrive,&gmode, 'c:tcbgi'); here c:tcbgi is important. MOST IMPORTANT: In tc.exe (which you are using) at top are some menus like file, edit, options: Go optionsapplication; select overlay (By Default it is 'standard' but you must select 'overlay' option), then click on. Accordingly, if pathtodriver is null, the driver files (.BGI) must be in the current directory. This is also the path settextstyle searches for the stroked character font files (.CHR).graphdriver is an integer that specifies the graphics driver to be used. You can give it a value using a constant of the graphicsdrivers enumeration type.


This site provides binaries and documentation for SDL_bgi andlibXbgi. These are ports of the old Borland Graphics Interface (graphics.h), originallywritten for DOS, to modern systems.

SDL_bgi is based on SDL2, and isportable to any platform supported by SDL2 (Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux,Android). libXbgi is based on Xlib, so it only runsunder X11.

These compatibility libraries can be used to port old programs writtenfor Turbo/Borland C to Linux, other Unix-like systems, macOS, andWindows. And, of course, to write new graphics programs with minimaleffort: BGI, once extremely popular, was probably the simplest way toimplement presentation graphics in C programs. The same ease ofprogramming can be obtained on modern systems. Programming fractals,cellular automata, geometry, physics models etc. is a breeze withSDL_bgi or libXbgi.

libXbgi is part of Ptoc, a Pascal to Cconverter written by Dr. KonstantinKnizhnik. SDL_bgi was written by me, Dr. Guido Gonzato.

Documentation and sample BGI programs are available at this address: all programs can be compiled with SDL_bgi and libXbgi.

SDL_bgi is licensed under the Zlib license.libXbgi is released under a generic free software license; please readLicense.txt.

Which library should you use? Well, it depends:

  • most users will want to use SDL_bgi, which is faster and can be used along native SDL2 functions;
  • if you don't want SDL dependency, then go libXbgi.

Please note that libXbgi is unsupported, and it's onlyprovided in its present state. Bugs will not be fixed unless youprovide the fix!



The current release of SDL_bgi is 2.4.2. To compile it fromsources, you will need a C compiler (gcc or clang are fine), make, and SDL2development packages. On Debian and Ubuntu-like distributions, youwill need the package 'libsdl2-dev' and its dependencies.

Building has been tested on GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.*, Fedora 31, Windows(MSYS2 + mingw-w64 version20200720, Code::Blocks 20.03, Dev-C++ 5.7.1 ), macOSCatalina, and Raspberry Pi.

  • Sources: SDL_bgi-2.4.2.tar.gz
  • Source RPM package: SDL_bgi-2.4.2-1.src.rpm
  • 64 bit binary RPM package (Fedora): SDL_bgi-2.4.2-1.x86_64.rpm
  • 64 bit binary DEB package, for Debian-like Linux distributions: sdl_bgi_2.4.2-1_amd64.deb
  • binaries for Windows (MSYS2 + mingw-w64, CodeBlocks, Dev-C++):
  • Previous versions sources:

See latest changes: ChangeLog.

Bgi File In Dev C 2b 2b 1

Note: cmake macOS users could use this CMakeLists.txt file. Fix kindly provided byAustin Hurst.

Unofficial GitHub repository.


The current release of libXbgi is 365. To compile it fromsources, you will need a compiler (gcc or clang are fine) and the X11development packages; on Debian-like distributions, it's 'libx11-dev'and its depencencies.

  • Sources: xbgi-365.tar.gz
  • Source RPM package: xbgi-365-1.src.rpm
  • 64 bit binary RPM package: xbgi-365-1.x86_64.rpm
  • 64 bit binary DEB package, for Debian-like Linux distributions: xbgi_365-1_amd64.deb
  • libXbgi Quick Reference: xbgi-quickref.pdf
  • work-in-progress 365 release (20140626): xbgi-365-003.tar.gz

How to Use SDL_bgi and libXbgi

Bgi File In Dev C 2b 2b 1b

To compile a program using SDL_bgi, make sure that it includes the'graphics.h' header file. Then:

On MSYS2 + Mingw64:

Instructions are also provided for CodeBlocks and Dev-C++.

Bgi File In Dev C 2b 2b 3

To compile a program using libXbgi, make sure that it includes the'graphics.h' header file. Then:

In most cases, all you have to do to compile an old program is commentout the lines

if they're present. Alternatively, you may create dummy (empty)conio.h and dos.h file, if you wish.

Please consult the enclosed documentation for more information.


Nearly all graphics functions work correctly; basic mouse support andRGB extensions, as described here, arealso implemented. Most old programs should compile with nomodification.

Please consult the encloseddocumentation for more information.

Sample Programs

Both libraries come with a few demo programs, including a turtlegraphics mini library. The following examples are taken from theSDL_bgi distribution.

The original Borland BGI demo, bgidemo.c
This is sdlbgidemo.c, showing many of SDL_bgi features. Uses logo.bmp and plasma.bmp.
This is the output of fern.c, an IFS system.
This is the output of fonts.c, showing the new Hershey-based fonts.
The ubiquitous mandelbrot.c.
Mouse and RGB colours demonstration, mousetest.c.
Turtle graphics demonstration, turtledemo.c. Uses turtle.c and turtle.h.


Other similar implementations are:

  • WinBGIm (Windows only) is a complete implementation of BGI for Windows, targeting the MingW compiler.
  • The GRX graphics library (multiplatform) provides a BGI subsystem which is mostly compatible with the original Borland library. GRX is free software.
  • XBGI is a freeware implementation for X11 that also provides PostScript output.
  • Libgraph is another free software implementation for X11.
  • TurboC aims at porting Turbo C sources to gcc on Unix, including BGI.
  • The OpenBGI Library is yet another free implementation for MS Windows.

Brought to you by Guido Gonzato, PhD.

To contact me: guido dot gonzato at gmail dot com

Last modified: November 11, 2020

/easeus-data-recovery-wizard-serial-key-download.html. Hello friends,

Download vr kanojo apk for android. In the last post(which was actually my first post),i told you the 2 ways to run Turbo C in full screen in Windows7.In this post,i will tell you how to run graphics program in Windows XP or even vista/7.There is no big problem in that,but when we download Turbo C and install it,then its default graphics library is not set and some of the files are missing in it.If you will try to compile any program in it,then it will show linker errors.For removing these,you will have to go to Options>Linker>Libraries.Here,you will find that there is only one option(Standard Run Time),which is cross marked.Now just cross marked Graphics Library.Then press OK.

The files that are missing are egavga.bgi and egavga.obj.Without these,your graphics program will be compiled with no errors,but when you will open the user screen by pressing Alt plus F5.

Now, download the egavga.bgi file and the egavga.obj file.

After,downloading,copy these files to bgi folder of Turbo C.

Now ,Run Turbo C.Even if it is not working,then copy all the files from bgi folder to bin folder.

Always remember that you need to run Turbo C in full screen to run graphics program.

If you want that i should make you understand by making a video,then please post that as a comment and please Subscribe for more…

I have made 1 graphics program,maybe you find interesting:

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main(void)
int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;
int i,j;
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode,””);
return 0;